This wallpaper for your Android system and lockscreen uses OpenGL ES 2.0 to render a high quality particle system. You will have the impression of hundreds of fireflies drifting across your device, they respond to touch and may be personalised to your desires.
Easily fine tune the colour, number, spawning patterns and speed of particles!
Settings let you optimize the trade-off between graphics and performance. With a low particle count the effect on battery drain is minimised.
Wallpaper ini untuk sistem Android dan lockscreen menggunakan OpenGL ES 2.0 untuk membuat sistem partikel berkualitas tinggi. Anda akan memiliki kesan ratusan kunang-kunang melayang di perangkat Anda, mereka merespon sentuhan dan dapat dipersonalisasi dengan keinginan Anda.
Mudah fine tune warna, jumlah, pola pemijahan dan kecepatan partikel!
Pengaturan membiarkan Anda mengoptimalkan trade-off antara grafis dan kinerja. Dengan partikel rendah menghitung efek pada menguras baterai diminimalkan.
This wallpaper for your Android system and lockscreen uses OpenGL ES 2.0 to render a high quality particle system. You will have the impression of hundreds of fireflies drifting across your device, they respond to touch and may be personalised to your desires.
Easily fine tune the colour, number, spawning patterns and speed of particles!
Settings let you optimize the trade-off between graphics and performance. With a low particle count the effect on battery drain is minimised.